Jessica Fredriksson

073-774 16 44

Jessica has worked with people, service and sales all her adult life. She has spent the last six years at Edward & Partners, where she has assisted Edward Melki, as well as the other real estate agents at the office and has learned all aspects of the realtor and real estate business from the inside while getting her real estate broker license.

As a broker, Jessica works efficiently and solution oriented, always with a smile on her face. With a sharp eye for architecture and interior decoration, she ensures that each object she brokers lives up to its potential to maximize the sale and exceed the customer’s expectations. It is in contact with people she excels, whether it is as a buyer or seller you meet her. It’s thanks to her professional way and her reliable deliveries that Jessica’s clients return when it is time for new real estate deals, and how she has suceeded in building her vast network of connections.

Jessica Fredriksson has a rating of 5.0 / 5 on hittamä

“She has patience with customers, a sense for pictures, and guides well. I can highly recommend her!” – Seller at Brahegatan 50

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